How I encourage and capture candid smiles
Since we’re fully into the silly season, it felt like the perfect time to share one of my more wackier tips for capturing candid smiles during my portrait sessions . . .
Most of us (myself included) tend to tense up a bit as soon as we get in front of the camera . . . “Am I doing that weird thing with my smile again? Is my hair ok? What should I do with my hands?” And that’s totally normal!
I think it’s because our fight or flight responses are subtly triggered and suddenly here we are trying to make sure our bodies appear normal while on the inside our brains are on overdrive attempting to maintain an outward appearance of perfection.
The result of which is a subtle tensing up in the neck, arms, and upper torso and even breath holding.
So here’s where these two nifty tricks come into play . . .
The first method I use to help my clients relax is I have them take a few deep breaths in. On the exhale, I get them to shake out the stiffness. Yes, by physically shaking their arms and torsos it helps to relax muscles and release that pent up tension. Trust me, it really helps!
The second method I use when I need to pull out the big guns to really break through the ice and that is pulling a silly face for the camera ( like a good one you know you’re gonna laugh at when you see the shot).
Here’s what a silly face does:
It disrupts your focus and breaks tension by physically getting you to change your body.
It makes you genuinely laugh (because it’s impossible not to after a good silly face, trust me)
And it helps you to reset and relax into a natural pose
Without fail, as soon as you hear that shutter click, your natural smile & laugh reflex will kick in and when it does . . . I’ll be ready to capture it 📸 .
I use this trick on myself all the time and it’s bloody brilliant🤠
So here’s me, the lady behind your pictures, hanging out in my lounge listening to holiday tunes, trying not to finish off the rest of the scorched almonds, and makin weird faced holiday photos like it’s my job (cause it is 😉).